Eden Mill Gin Experience
May! A gorgeous month with heat and sunshine and the arrival of a new Tangent baby! Congratulations to Lewis and family – we look forward to having you back in the studio when the time comes.
“We're delighted to be nominated in five categories at the Scottish Design Awards.”
In more good news this month, we were delighted to be nominated in five categories at the Scottish Design Awards. Our work with Perth Museum was nominated in the Design Excellence and Brand Identity categories, and our Perth exhibition design for Unicorn is nominated in the Campaign Design category. Outwith the Perth Museum extended universe, our 2023 Art of St Andrews design is nominated in the Packaging category and our work with the Scottish Refugee Council for New Scots Integration has been nominated in the Design for Good category. The awards will be presented in June.
As most reading this will know, we’re a Glasgow studio through and through, having worked on many of the city’s most exciting projects over the last two decades, including the Commonwealth Games, People Make Glasgow and most recently the UCI championships that took over the city last summer. This year we’ve been asked to create a brand to commemorate the city’s 850th year. We’re working with the council just now to develop a brand identity that lets people, in the city and all over the world, celebrate Glasgow in a way that feels true and authentic to them. We’re so excited to share this one, and luckily it won't be too long before you start to see it popping up all over the city before the big celebrations kick off early 2025.
We were really pleased for our clients Right There this month, when they hosted an event to launch their report on a groundbreaking study into the impact of the organisation. Paul McLennan MSP, the Scottish Government minister for Housing attended amongst other luminaries to heard about how Right There saves the public purse over £300m every year through their unique approach to preventing and tackling homelessness. For our part, we designed elements of the report alongside an updated Theory of Change, and produced dressing and video content for the event. Good work never feels better than when it's for a good cause.
Other work this month includes ongoing brand work for Hardie Polymers; stretching our video content creation muscles for Solvd. and Right There as mentioned above; as well as progress on our work with Experian, Invictus Games in Vancouver, with our partners TRIA, and the Homeless World Cup in South Korea. More to come on all of the above. We’ve also been working on a few exciting new pitches this month, and will hopefully have good news to share on that front soon!
We’ve been at a few events this month as a team as well, which has been nice. Our friends at JamHot hosted Gab at the Britannica Panopticon, the world’s oldest surviving music hall - a suitably atmospheric venue full of vaudeville memorabilia and questionable aromas. The custodian of this magical place, Judith Bowers, gave the first talk, telling the audience of her quest to save the magnificent, crumbling old hall. Then freelance designer Andy Tomlinson spoke about his career in motion design, followed by the headliner Max Ottignon of Ragged Edge, who talked about saving branding from blanding. A cracking night all in - can’t wait for the next one. We also visited the DJCAD degree show and, on a different theme, the Eden Mill Gin Experience in Edinburgh, which you can read about here. Good times were had.
That about wraps it up for another month, but next update will include whether or not we won anything at the Scottish Design Awards, so do stay tuned.