Gordon Ramsay Gin
Another month has flown in at the Tangent studio, bringing some new work and some fairly sizeable changes!
“The launch was marked with a big event where we all got to meet the Gruffalo.”
Early June was characterised by a flurry of activity for longtime clients Edinburgh International Book Festival. The programme has now launched, which you can find here, and the launch was marked, as it always is, with a big event that was thoroughly enjoyed by team Tangent, especially as we got to meet the Gruffalo. The identity for the 2022 event is coming together nicely, and we’re looking forward to working on the site dressing in July.
We completed a project for the University of Glasgow’s Scottish Graduate School for Arts & Humanities this month; furnishing them with their annual report as we’ve done for the past few years. We also began working on an identity for a new drinks company which we’re looking forward to telling you more about in the very near future.
On the subject of drinks, we published a little piece on Eden Mill’s latest release, a collaboration with Gordon Ramsay to create Ramsay’s Gin, which features peppercorn, locally grown seaweed, and the hero botanical: honeyberries from Cupar. Read more about that here. We also published a piece by our own Jack Shaw on if branding can ever deliver an anti-consumerist message with that all-important mainstream appeal. Read more here.
In studio news, one of our designers, Joss, has moved on to new horizons! We bade him a fond farewell with the time honoured tradition of doughnuts, Thai food, and many pints. We have, however, sourced ourselves a brand new Account Director, who will join us in July, along with a design intern - always great to have some new faces around the studio. We’re looking forward to welcoming you both!