Ten Years Strong
From live event to online only - via temporary cancellation and four months of working flat out - we are happier than ever to see the Edinburgh International Book Festival keeping the conversation going in 2020.
“We all miss a live event, but the best thing about the 2020 version is that for the first time, the festival has the opportunity to reach a much wider audience, which is really exciting.”
Tangent has worked with the Edinburgh International Book Festival for over ten years. It’s one of the best working relationships you could ask for, and our studio takes a lot of genuine pleasure in designing a new festival identity each year, and in collaborating with artists and the staff at EIBF on the visuals produced for the annual event.
We had no idea at the beginning of our 11th year working with them that it would be the first time the festival would be a wholly digital event. In a year when cancellation has become the norm - when everyone’s got used to postponement, to shifting dates, to beloved experiences being missed out on - it’s been brilliant to be part of an event that’s gone ahead on schedule, in roughly its usual shape and form. It’s been hugely rewarding to see how quickly we can all adapt - the Book Festival team have worked all-out to deliver behind the scenes, and for Tangent the challenge was getting a full digital campaign turned round against the clock.
Edinburgh International Book Festival is a great event in many ways - it’s an escape, a safe space, a place where conversations start and ideas are shared. While it’s true that this year there’s no beautiful speigeltent, and no Charlotte Square Gardens to lounge about in between talks, the spirit of the festival is very much present online. We all miss a live event, but the best thing about the 2020 version is that for the first time, the festival has the opportunity to reach a much wider audience, which is really exciting.
The festival is indeed reaching further than it has ever been able to before. There are over 140 live events from more than 30 countries available to stream online for free: interviews, discussions, chances for people to meet and chat with other festival goers and even the authors themselves. In many ways it’s very much the beginning of something new.
Tangent is made up of a group of people that love working on and attending live events, and that hasn’t changed - but we are really proud of what our collaboration with EIBF has contributed to this year.
The festival continues until 31st August with events every day. Join the conversation at https://www.edbookfest.co.uk/