
July 2024

In which the studio encountered the dreaded summer annual leave-athon!

We've hardly seen each other all month, but luckily we’re a well oiled machine and still managed to turn out some lovely work for some lovely clients.

July 2024
“We can’t wait to show you the beautiful artwork that’s been created for the 2024 edition.”

We’ve been hard at work on several projects for Right There this month, including some video work we’re pretty pleased with and some illustrations we’re still working on. Right There are celebrating their 200th anniversary this year, so the projects we’re working on just now are largely about drawing attention to their mission statement: for everyone to be given the chance to realise their potential and create a safe, supportive place to call home. They’ve got a major fundraising drive on just now with the aim of supporting a further 2000 people going through hard times this year - more information can be found here.

This month we worked with Nicholas Afchain to film the promotional video content for Eden Mill’s 2024 Art of St Andrews offering. This year’s whisky project is a collaboration with another noted Scottish artist, and we can’t wait to show you the beautiful artwork that’s been created for the 2024 edition.

We’ve just taken on some new work for James Ramsay Ltd, a family run industrial heating specialist with over 100 years of history. James Ramsay is part of the Nevis group, a long-time client who have entrusted us with building several brands within the group including DTGen and Hardie Polymers. They invest heavily in their people and culture, so we’re looking forward to getting stuck in to build a new brand identity from the ground up with them.

We’ve also been working on some pretty exciting new pitches this month – more soon.

July 2024

A big part of the focus this month has been working on the brand building blocks for Glasgow 850. The city launched their £100,000 festival fund last month, unveiling the brand as they did so. Since then we’ve been refining the brand guidelines and developing enough badge icons to represent the cultural diversity and unabashed eccentricity of Glasgow and her people. This work will begin popping up across the city early next year.

We’ve been working behind the scenes on the Invictus Games for months, so it was exciting to hear that our partners TRIA have completed the scoping across the host city of Vancouver, BC. Now we know where everything’s going, we can work on producing it! Rollout will happen early 2025 ahead of the games themselves in February.


There was some exciting news from the Homeless World Cup this month - FIFA has extended a massive amount of support and input to the Homeless World Cup ahead of their 2024 tournament in Seoul, including supplying equipment, medals and trophies to the cause. FIFA will also be broadcasting this and future tournaments on their streaming platform FIFA+. And to cap it all off, the Korean squad have recently met with two of the most famous football clubs in the world, Tottenham Hotspur and FC Bayern Munich, to do a training session, teach them the HWC’s unique rules, and play a traditional HWC match. You can read much more about this here.

August should see all of us back together in the studio at the same time! What a treat.