Remade Network
Last week saw the opening of Remade Network Govanhill, a shop specialising in repair and reuse services and promoting a radical alternative to throwaway culture. Located at 421 Victoria Road, the shop is the latest development from Remade Network, having already created ten new jobs, worked with over 50 organisations & repaired and redistributed 1,000 computers over the past year.
“Built-in obsolescence is something that needs to go!”
Good Morning Scotland interviewed Remade Network founder Sophie Unwin on Thursday 15th April to talk about the launch of the new shop, Remade’s aims and accomplishments, and her hopes for an end to throwaway culture. Sophie said “we want to make it easier for people to repair things. It’s not the consumer’s fault that things break down. Built-in obsolescence is something that needs to go!”
Within the Remade in Govanhill shop you can do the following:
Repair - using the Repair Stop which offers affordable repairs in textiles, computers, phones and electrical goods.
Learn - as restrictions allow they will be teaching repair skills
Buy - refurbished tech, reclaimed and up cycled products
Reuse - using the Tech Drop, which is a safe drop-off point for unwanted electrical devices.
"The total impact of our carbon savings was 234 tonnes of carbon dioxide - equivalent to 2,000 flights from Glasgow to Amsterdam."
Sophie also mentions that “we did a sustainability impact assessment of our work in the last year and as well as doing household repairs we also refurbish computers which we distribute to community groups across Glasgow. The total impact of our carbon savings was 234 tonnes of carbon dioxide - equivalent to 2,000 flights from Glasgow to Amsterdam.”
Remade also really want t encourage people to clear out their cupboards and give them their old IT. These items will then be refurbished and either sold on to another life, or given for free to people who need them most. Donate via the Tech Drop service at the shop itself and at specific locations throughout Glasgow in the coming months.
They are currently offering a window service from 12-4pm Wednesday to Sunday from Remade in Govanhill at 421 Victoria Road, just across the road from Queens Park station in the southside of Glasgow.
Remade Network are the kind of client we absolutely love working with - a team of brilliant people with brilliant ideas on how to make a better society for everyone. We’ve been absolutely delighted to be part of the journey with them, helping with strategy, messaging and design, and are looking forward to seeing what they do in the future!
For more information visit Listen to the BBC interview here (41 minutes in).